List of blocked websites
List of websites offering unsafe foodstuffs or with content seriously violating the requirements laid down by legislation, which are under supervision of the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.
The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (hereinafter referred to as “CAFIA”), as the body of public administration responsible for the performance of state supervision in the field of foodstuffs, as of 1 October 2022, in accordance with provisions of Section 3(4)(f) of Act No. 146/2002 Coll., on the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority and on amendments to certain related acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “Act on CAFIA“) keeps alist of websites offering unsafe foodstuffs or with content seriously violating the requirements laid down by legislation, which is under supervision of CAFIA, and publishes this list on its website.
Pursuant to Section 3b of the Act on CAFIA, the list of websites contains the address of the website, the date of entry of the website into the list of websites, or the date of deletion of the website from this list.
Section 3d of the Act on CAFIA obliges providers of Internet access services in the Czech Republic to prevent access to the websites included in the list of websites within 15 days from the date of publication of the website in the list of website.
The list is available in CSV format, data are separated by commas:
List of websites offering unsafe foodstuffs
A hash file with the list in SHA256 format is also available to check the integrity of the list. The hash file also includes the date of publication for automatic check.
List of websites offering unsafe foodstuffs HASH
Notification of update of the list of websites offering unsafe foodstuffs
The list of the websites is also provided in machine-readable form on the Open Data Portal.